Taller Jacobo y María Ángeles MR, (hereinafter the “Workshop”), with address at Callejón del Olvido number 9, San Martín Tilcajete, Ocotlán de Morelos, Oaxaca, issues this Privacy Notice so that the holder of the personal data (hereinafter the “Holder”), is aware of the treatment that the Company gives to personal data.

In the “Workshop” we protect and safeguard the personal data of the Holder to prevent damage, loss, destruction, theft, misplacement, alteration, as well as unauthorized processing thereof, always in compliance with the provisions of Articles 8, 15, 16, 33, 36 and others of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the “Law”). For this Privacy Notice, Personal Data shall be understood as any information concerning an identified or identifiable individual. Likewise, all capitalized words that are not expressly defined in this Privacy Notice, will be given the definition indicated in the Law.


The person responsible for the protection of personal data in the “Workshop” is Lic. Roberto Zajarias Fainsod. You can contact him at the address and/or tel: +52(55)5282-5033.


This Privacy Notice is made available to you with the intention that the Holder knows the treatment that will be given to them, as well as the precise information to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition (hereinafter “ARCO Rights”), which are described below:

1. Right to access their data held by the “Workshop” except the cases mentioned
in the Law.

2. Right to rectify your data when it is inaccurate or incomplete.

3. The right at any time to cancel your data. The “Workshop” may deny the cancellation of the data under the terms established by law.

4. The right at any time and for legitimate reasons to oppose the processing.

It is important to inform you that the Law protects the personal information of the Holder from unauthorized uses and without your consent, so this document will inform the information we collect from the Holder, for what and how we use it, possible transfers to third parties, the purposes of data processing, your ARCO rights, as well as the revocation of your consent, which the Holder can enforce before the “Workshop” to have full control and decision on their data. For this reason, we recommend that you read the following information carefully:

The present Privacy Notice is applicable for the Owners of Personal Data obtained directly, indirectly, or personally by the “Workshop”, through processes of purchase and sale of products, contracts, letters, requests for information, verbal request of the employees of the “Workshop”, as well as of the different forms contained in the Internet page (hereinafter the “Internet Page”) of the company or any other means specified for such effects, that refer to the present Privacy Notice.


  • The Personal Information is collected and stored for purposes of Identification and certainty of the User of the Web Page.
  • Establish contact with our customers to schedule appointments and send quotes on any product or service we offer, as well as various needs or clarifications that arise on the part of our consumers.
  • To celebrate contracts with our clients derived from the products and services that we offer as “Workshop”.
  • Operation, management, shipment of goods, returns, billing, collection, administration, and provision of our services.
  • Delivery of notices, requirements, letters, newsletters, or attention to your requests related to the services we provide.
  • Assist in completing a transaction or order that has been initiated on the website; Analyze User behavior and demographics.
  • To enhance our commercial and promotional (marketing) initiatives.
  • To create digital and physical marketing campaigns. Send information or messages about new products and/or services, as well as any other information; Display advertising or promotions of interest to our Users;
  • Transfer of information of the Holder in the applicable cases by the section “Transfer of Information with Third Parties” of this Notice.
  • Prevention or denunciation before different authorities of illicit acts or facts;
  • Compliance with the Federal Law for the Prevention and Identification of Operations with Illicit Resources and its Regulations. To comply with the exercise of ARCO rights as well as to revoke the consent of the Holder.
  • Publish on social networks and websites the work done and services provided to our customers.


The Company will collect Personal Data of the Holder, which are voluntarily provided by the Holder or in response to explicit, express, or verbal requirements, by the Company, these data will be obtained directly from the Holder and/or personally from the Holder.

The Personal Data of the Holder must be truthful and complete. The Holder will respond at all times for the Personal Data provided and in no case the “Workshop” will be responsible for the veracity of the same.

The Personal Data that may be requested from the Holder may be in whole or in part, the following:

  • Name(s).
  • Surname(s).
  • Nationality.
  • Address(es).
  • Date of Birth.
  • E-mail address.
  • Bank details.
  • Fiscal Data.
  • Credit and/or Debit Card Information.
  • Home, office, fax, and/or cell phone numbers.
  • Social Network Accounts
  • Company.
  • Date, amount, and form of payment of contracts entered into with the “Workshop”.
  • Position within your company.


The “Workshop” informs its customers that it does not collect any sensitive personal data of the Holder, such as racial or ethnic origin, health status, present and future, genetic information, religious, philosophical or moral beliefs, union membership, political opinions or sexual preferences referred to in Article 3 section VI of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.


To ensure that personal data are treated by the provisions of the Law, the “Workshop” complies with the following principles:

  1. Communicate to its customers the purposes of the processing of their data by collecting only the data necessary for the fulfillment of the same, pledging not to give them a use other than that outlined in this privacy notice.
  2. Perform the appropriate maintenance so that your data are correct and updated, in case it is necessary to keep your data will be by the provisions of applicable law.
  3. Implement security measures to ensure the protection of your data.


The Database of the “Workshop”, where the information collected is stored, will keep stored and safeguard the information provided by the Holder, even if they are modified, updated, or even canceled for any reason. The above is to keep the history of the Holder and protect its legal interests. The conservation of information mentioned in this paragraph may be erased or eliminated in its entirety through the exercise of the ARCO Rights.

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The obligations of confidentiality concerning the personal data of the Data Subject assumed by the “Workshop” are excluded from the application when the information in question is on any of the following grounds:

  1. It was known to the general public at the time of disclosure or became public or available without the intervention of the “Workshop” or its personnel.
  2. It was in its possession before or at the time of disclosure without having violated any legal obligation, provided that the disclosing source would not have been bound by confidentiality obligations to the “Workshop”.
  3. It became known or available to “Workshop” or its personnel on a non-confidential basis through disclosure from sources other than the Holder that were not bound by confidentiality obligations to “Workshop”.
  4. Is acquired or developed independently by the “Workshop” without relying on the Personal Data of the Data Subject, as a result of the work performed by one of its personnel to whom such information has not been disclosed; or
  5. The “Workshop” and/or its Affiliates were legally required to deliver, in which case it shall immediately notify the Data Subject and shall take all measures reasonably available to it so that the Personal Data so disclosed are only those necessary to comply with the requirement.


We inform our customers that the “Workshop” does not make any transfer of personal data to third parties about the provisions of Article 36 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, so it undertakes to treat the Personal Data as has been agreed in this Privacy Notice, on the understanding, however, the “Workshop” may disclose the Personal Data of the Holder in the following cases:

  1. When it is mandatory to meet requirements by a competent authority, provided that it is duly founded and motivated or when any of the assumptions outlined in Article 37 of the law of the matter is configured.
  2. To the various negotiations that are part of the “Grupo Empresarial JACOBO Y MARÍA ÁNGELES” MR, provided that they enter into a confidentiality agreement with the “Workshop”, to protect the Personal Data and are obliged not to disclose the Personal Data without the express written authorization of the “Workshop”; and
  3. To the officers and employees of the “Workshop” and its Subsidiaries of the “JACOBO Y MARÍA ÁNGELES” MR. Business Group, as well as external advisors for whom access to the Personal Data is necessary or convenient.

This notice is meant as a “Subsidiary” of the “Workshop”, to the diverse shops that are part of “JACOBO Y MARÍA ÁNGELES” MR. Business group.


The Data Subject has the right, personally or through a legal representative, to request the Company, at any time, access, rectifier, cancel, or opposition, concerning the personal data stored in the “Workshop” Database.

The legal framework applicable to this request is found in Chapter IV of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data (articles 28 to 35), by Chapter VII Sections I to V of the Regulation of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data (articles 92 to 111), and by the Privacy Notice Guidelines Twenty-fifth, Twenty-eighth, Twenty-ninth, and Thirtieth.

Our customers or their legal representative may exercise any of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition known as “ARCO Rights”, as well as revoke their consent for the processing of their data, by sending an email to the following address where you will be attended promptly.

Your request must be made through electronic or physical means, to follow up on your request and you or your legal representative must properly prove your identity through valid official photo IDs such as (Voter ID issued by the National Electoral Institute, a Passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Professional ID issued by the Ministry of Public Education, Military Service Card issued by the Ministry of National Defense, Power of Attorney, etc.).

If the information provided is erroneous or insufficient, or if the corresponding accreditation documents are not provided, you will be notified by email within 5 working days of receipt of the request, to require you to provide the elements or documents necessary to process the request. You will have 10 business days to respond to the request, counted from the day after you have received it. If you do not respond within this period, the corresponding request will be considered as not submitted.

The “Workshop” will communicate the determination adopted, within a maximum period of 20 business days from the date on which the request was received, so that, if it is appropriate, make it effective within fifteen to 15 business days after the response is communicated.

The response will be provided electronically to the e-mail address specified in your initial request.

When the data are no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes outlined in this privacy notice and the applicable legal provisions, they must be canceled, blocked, and deleted by operation of Law.


Once the data has been canceled, the “Workshop” will keep the personal data of the Data Subject for one more month, for purposes of clarification and preparation for deletion. Once this term has expired, the “Workshop” will definitely delete the Personal Data of the Data Subject, being eliminated from the database and discarding all physical and electronic files related to the Data Subject. If the Data Subject were to perform another act with the “Workshop”, he/she shall initiate it as if the relationship had never existed.

Personal Data that have fulfilled their purposes but cannot be canceled and deleted by operation of law or contract, will be blocked from the purposes to which they were submitted until they can be deleted. During such periods, the Personal Data may not be processed.


The Data Subject declares that he/she has read this Privacy Notice and consents to the provisions herein. The Data Subject consents to this Privacy Notice, by the Law.


Consent may be revoked at any time without retroactive effect. To revoke consent, the Data Subject must send a request, in writing, with the following requirements:

  • The name of the Holder.
  • The documents that prove the identity of the Holder, which must be official.
  • The clear and precise description of the link that the User has with the “Workshop”.
  • Provide the documentation supporting the User’s request.
  • That the letter is addressed to the “Workshop”.
  • Verify that the relationship with the “Workshop” has ended.

The “Workshop” will issue a response in which it will confirm the revocation of the consent, or in its case, it will indicate the reasoning depending on the specific case, counting on the company with 15 calendar days to issue this response. The terms will be counted from the date on which the email has entered the “Workshop” server.


The “Workshop” as well as the Holder, acknowledge that this Privacy Notice may be modified whenever required.

The “Workshop” reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice at any time to adapt it to any legal modification, internal policies, new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products as well as market practices. It is under the responsibility of the Holder to periodically read the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice to be aware of such modifications, which will always be available to the Holder through the Website.

The modifications to this Privacy Notice will be made known to the Holder through the portal of the Internet Page of the “Workshop”.


Cjon. del Olvido 9, 71506
San Martín Tilcajete, Oax.
951 524 90 27 ext.4


Monday – Sunday
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
We open the 365 days of the year

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