Meet our Collections
We are interested in expanding the possibilities of our creations, generating
different worlds and telling new stories that, at the same time,
help us to continue sharing our culture and traditions.
The Jacobo y María Ángeles Workshop has always looked for ways to innovate and to be
at the forefront of the profession. After years of perfecting the techniques of
carving and decoration, and the involvement of our son, Ricardo Ángeles,
our concepts and creativity have matured, allowing the production
to be conceived through collections, and not only from individual pieces. These
series complexify the way in which the pieces relate to each other, to their
context, to a theme, and even to a story.
Something we have had very clear since the 90’s has been the understanding of our work
as art, thinning the line that differentiates art from craftsmanship. The idea
of generating collections has brought us even closer to refining this aspect,
together with the construction of a gallery space in the workshop and in
our headquarters, complemented with the appropriate display devices and lighting,
which results in an impeccable presentation of all our work.

Behind a Mask
For several years, Jacobo and María Ángeles have been promoting the town’s carnival by recovering its vernacular elements. This is a collection that seeks to raise awareness of the tradition, while incorporating its aesthetic vision, in which the masks stand out as the result of an anthropological, cultural and artistic process.
Eternal Rest
Affable masters of Xoloitzcuintles, Jacobo and María Ángeles start from an ancient
tradition and the connection with these superlative beings. They share a set of
sculptures that endow with well-defined backs, trunks and ears, contemplating the subjectivity of art in each line and stroke in black and white. Eternal Rest remote
confine to the offering to these beings of intelligence and magnificent personality
that share the continuous path to save your soul in the spiritual world, earthly and
in the underworld.

Siblings of the Earth
Wood and stone can be inert materials. Human action – but also cosmic and natural processes – are capable of giving form to elements that seem to rest in an eternal sleep. From “a glance”, the craftsman is capable of finding the image of an extinct animal on the branch of a fallen tree, of multiplying the visual senses in which a trunk can derive, of chiseling and figuring in stone the tides of images that inhabit his mind.
The Jacobo and María Ángeles workshop presents “Plaga”, a sharply reflective collection that dwells between the limits of what we consider beautiful and what we passionately reject as unpleasant. The anxious or repellent effect commonly produced by insects considered pests is nullified by the meticulous details of Zapotec iconography, silver details and gold leaf finishes that adorn these crunchy bugs carved from copal wood.

Collection that represents three years of work and effort. It presents a vision of a dystopian future where science merges with Zapotec ancestral beliefs; genetically experimenting with humans and mixing them with animal characteristics, going against nature with the aim of achieving greater longevity, resistance and adaptation to the land, in order to face the adversities that migration brings.
The Jacobo y María Ángeles Workshop created two “Guardians” to inhabit New York City with the mission of accompanying and protecting all Latin American, Mexican and Oaxacan migrants who live or are about to arrive in the United States in search of a better future for their families. These two monumental figures are part of the narrative of the NOMADS collection.

Hurakan refers to the deity of the storm, a word of Mayan origin that describes one of the most complex natural phenomena. One-legged creature that approaches the surface imposingly, moving impetuously in the wind with its arms, and holding itself up from the sea with its claw. This exhibition of the Jacobo and María Ángeles workshop seeks to translate this idea, paying tribute to this fearsome but kind god. With his multiplicity of presences and affectations, he shows himself to us once again from the instance of the implausible.
Mixtec Ball
It’s dawn. It is Sunday, and when the Sun is at its zenith, the Commitment begins. The
sacred space is carefully marked with chalk by the Chacero. The 10 players
grouped in two quintas offer their respects to the Coime before entering the Pasajuego.
“Va de buenas!” shouts El Chacero excitedly. When the ball is in the air,
eternity is present. His path is deflected by a formidable glove that prevents
it from falling to the ground. Pelota Mixteca is a practice for people with common
sense in the community sense, their identities are twinned in the duality of the
ancestral game: ritual and sport.

The pieces exhibited below present a novelty in forms and strategies. The intervention of these figures reveals from the outside, almost in a brutalist way, their wooden structure carved in ironwood. This respect for the background allows us to appreciate the materiality of the wood itself, allowing its conception as part of the range, not only of colors, but also of possible textures. Each piece is decorated with gold leaf applications, visually highlighting the symbolic elegance of the jaguar.
The automobile is the vehicle par excellence. That machine that gives us the possibility to move spatially, but also to involve us in various types of symbolism, whether status, identity, among others. From the idea that we ourselves build and modify reality through interventions in our context and possessions. The Jacobo y María Ángeles workshop has decided to get involved in the tuning, the intervention of various objects and in the contribution to the reconstruction and appropriation of reality to make it more personal, less strange.

From the Ground
From the ground is a collection based on the idea of preserving and treasuring. The series consists of various miniature animals of the wildlife of San Martin Tilcajete, whether they are present or extinct. On the other hand, there is a category of animal fusions, which are larger than the rest of the figures in the series. As a tribute, they are immortalized to remember them in the future.
Night Owls
Among the branches of the trees, protected by the twilight of the night, the owls nest, solitary. A collection composed of nine pieces of these nocturnal birds, which open their wings, stare into the eyes, and after a long day, finally fly home.

Zapotec Calendar
Iguana, coyote, turtle, chameleon, snake, armadillo, deer, rabbit, frog, dog, monkey, owl, tlacuache, jaguar, eagle, mockingbird, butterfly, snail, fish, hummingbird: there are 20 animals that conform the Zapotec calendar. The Jacobo y María Ángeles workshop presents this series of pieces with pride and knowledge. By way of gratitude for its 28 years, the workshop is pleased to present the origin of its artistic understanding, also inspiring the worldview of the tonas and nahuales.
In this endless celebration, the monkeys, so loving of themselves and their friends, laugh, embrace and cuddle with each other. An unusual setting where behavior is defined solely by the guideline of pleasures. These joyful primates teach us a very important lesson: how sexuality is an essential part of our nature.

Nahual Heart
Corazón de nahual (Nahual heart) was born from a dialogue between Jacobo and María about their youthful engagement, and what was at the time the act of courting your partner through a gift. They thought of an object that was given as a gift in the past: a jewelry box, and how these have always been tiny containers of secrets and treasures.
Nahual Heart Duo
DUO consists of a loving gesture of two little nahuales, in which they coddle each other tenderly. Each piece is a love letter for your most precious being, where the delight of loving is manifested through the exquisite details of this special production from the Jacobo and María Ángeles Workshop.

Cold Blood
Within the Zapotec wisdom the reptiles represent teaching. For example Iguana is the animal of mastery, transcendence and certainty. The serpent represents the highest power, it knows how to talk and convince us even if all forecasts point to appeals. It is for this reason that the Jacobo and María Ángeles Workshop honorably presents SANGRE FRÍA, an unprecedented collection that has been conceived for eight years.
Cjon. del Olvido 9, 71506
San Martín Tilcajete, Oax.
951 524 90 27 ext.4
Monday – Sunday
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
We open the 365 days of the year
Copyright© 2021 Jacobo y Maria Angeles. All rights reserved Frequently Asked Questions
Copyright© 2021 Jacobo y Maria Angeles. All rights reserved Frequently Asked Questions