2021 Reforestation
As a community, we will restore the fields!
After two weeks of intense preparation of the land, gathering volunteers, collaborators, and friends, preparing the tools and above all, having all the trees that were donated through our “Adopt a tree” program, our 11th annual reforestation took place on June 27, 2021.
Before starting the arduous planting day, a ceremony was held to ask permission from the land that gives us the natural resources, landscapes, and ecosystems that make up the biodiversity that surrounds us in the Valley. Afterward, the “Palo Que Habla” team gave the copal trees to the people who adopted them so that they could give them a name.
As part of the reforestation activities, we provided training on the correct way to plant a tree. The team considers the importance of raising awareness about the care of a tree, so they are maintained twice a year. Watering, pruning, fertilizing and weeding help the trees gain the necessary resistance to survive in the environment where they are planted.
Finally, to celebrate the collaborative work that took place that morning, our friends from Suena Barro, delighted us with their ensemble of ceramic musical instruments. There was great socializing with all the attendees, which showed the value of the commonality that identifies us.

Our workshop continues with the fixed goal of achieving a sustainable consumption of the wood we use to carve our pieces, so we are proud to say that this reforestation was a success. In addition to breaking the goal of a year ago, with more than 9,500 trees reforested in three different communities of the Ocotlán Valley, we managed to have the first sustainable wood harvesting of
our nursery.
This year the communities of Santo Tomás Jalieza and Santa Catarina Minas of the Ocotlán Valley, and our sister town of Teotitlán del Valle joined us. We want to share our joy and thank each person who volunteered their time. With your support, we are promoting a culture of awareness of resource regeneration and not only consumption.
We would like to give special recognition to the local businesses in the Ocotlán valley for their generosity: Taller Zurita, Purificadora de agua Nisjali, Pinturas Sayer Ocotlán, Gasolinera Maya; thanks to brands such as Urología de Alta Especialidad, Casa Pedro Domecq, Mezcal El Terco and Elixir de Agave, for adopting more than 20 trees; and above all to Grupo Modelo for providing the tools. Thanks to the organizations Relato Nativo and Thread Caravan for their support for a better collective future. They share with us their commitment to the environment on our land.
Finally, this great collective reforestation effort would not be possible without the support of Alfredo Harp Helú Oaxaca Foundation, which year after year trusts in our bio conservation project to continue creating micro forests and alliances that transform the landscape and the collective conscience.

Cjon. del Olvido 9, 71506
San Martín Tilcajete, Oax.
951 524 90 27 ext.4
Monday – Sunday
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
We open the 365 days of the year
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